Young adults

Emma (18 jr)

Emma (18 jr)


Nadine heeft mij in vele opzichten geholpen. Ik struggelde al een aantal jaar met een eetprobleem en merkte dat ik nu Γ©cht vastliep, dat ik niet wist wat ik moest doen. Uiteindelijk besloot ik om op zoek te gaan naar een coach. Niet alleen voor mijn eetproblematiek, maar ook om uit te zoeken wie ik ben, waar ik voor sta, wat ik wil, hoe ik onder andere moet omgaan met mijn onzekerheden en de recentelijke scheiding van mijn ouders, en nog veel meer. Al bij het intakegesprek aan de telefoon voelde het vertrouwd en hadden we een klik. Nadine kwam over als een warm, behulpzaam en oprecht persoon, en dat is ze. Door Nadine heb ik veel nieuwe inzichten gekregen en ik probeer met een andere blik naar dingen te kijken. Ik ben door haar gegroeid als persoon en zij heeft daarmee mijn leven in positieve zin veranderd. Als je jezelf wil ontwikkelen of moeilijkheden ervaart, in welk opzicht dan ook, dan raad ik Nadine met heel mijn hart aan.

Dorien (26 yrs)

Dorien (26 yrs)


Before reaching out to Nadine for guidance and advice, I often felt anxious, stressed, insecure and unstable, both on a professional and personal level. Nadine helped me to set a stable basis for myself by providing me the tools to look at things from a different, more optimistic perspective which released much of the stress and anxiety. At the same time, she also provided the support to me to discover who am as a unique and authentic person and that I’m worthy of being heard and seen because of it.

Jago (17 jr)

Jago (17 jr)


I came to Nadine seeking help with motivation and direction at school. Through insightful sessions with Nadine I became much more self-aware of the patterns in which I think, and what really drives me to do things. Having learned this, I was able to look at my thought process during unmotivated times and started to bring some changes in what I do. Nadine is very kind, fun and caring but also a bit harder if she needs to get through to someone quite stubborn. The things I learned are absolutely invaluable and will always be useful to me.

Juliette (19 yrs)

Juliette (19 yrs)


Nadine has helped me in a countless number of ways. Over the course of my life, I have always struggled with anxiety attacks about self acceptance, self worth and my body image. When I first met Nadine we immediately clicked, she is very easy to talk to and always has great advice. Throughout my journey, I learnt to manage my anxiety attacks thanks to the many tools she gave me. With her help, I can confidently say that I am so much closer to my final goal and I have all the tools in hands to reach it. I would definitely recommend The Coconut Club to anyone who needs some support and guidance.

Rania (18 yrs)

Rania (18 yrs)


In my life I don’t always make to best choices, but meeting Nadine has probably been the best choice so far. She helped me see things in a different light, and that I can love myself and put myself first: become a happy and positive person. She let me know that taking small steps is absolutely okay, and that it shouldn’t stop you. Ever since I went to Nadine, I can finally say that I’m getting more confident, and that I can achieve my goals and live a healthier lifestyle, if I change my negative mindset and make it positive. She gets me out to go out of my comfort zone, so that I can grow as a person. I’m super grateful to have met her; she helped me change my life for the better. If there are people out there that are going through a dark time I definitely recommend to see Nadine.

Oliver (26 yrs.)

Oliver (26 yrs.)


Nadine makes you put your guard down: she makes you feel at ease. Especially in a situation that, at least to me, was very new. Her strength lies in the fact that she is very objective and openminded when she works with you. Because of this you feel at ease 100% of the time whilst being her client. Even when you are asked to describe the most difficult things - in my case: my feelings! Before I met her I used to be a very reserved person. After following sessions with Nadine I realized that showing my feelings only makes me a more powerful/empowered person. I highly recommend making use of Nadine’s expertise. In my opinion I’ve become a more whole and empowered person with her help.

Blijde (24 yrs)

Blijde (24 yrs)


My journey so far with Nadine has helped in countless ways. Confronting me with myself, my interactions with those around me and showing me new things about myself I didn’t even know were there. I think the most powerful thing about Nadine is her pureness. She cares deeply about her clients and this shows in her sessions. She does all this while staying completely professional. From the first session I knew this was where I needed to be. I find myself reflecting on my session throughout the week and being able to use tips and advice Nadine has given me. I have, and will continue, to recommend Nadine to those around me!